So far this blog has mostly consisted of photos and more broadly a look at different neighborhoods, particularly my own in the Strawberry Hill section of Cambridge, MA. In an interview yesterday I was asked for a writing sample. This has inspired me to use this blog to expand my view beyond the visual and share my own point of view through writing.
I initially started my blog as a visual diary. I was inspired by the blog at
36shea. A mother in my class at Graham and Parks started her blog as a way to develop a community of fellow artists and crafters, many who connected through the online websites
Etsy and
poppytalkhandmade. This was an eye opener for me. To be able to connect with like-minded people on an international level and have the pleasure of something new and potentially aesthetic to look at everyday and develop my own artistic sensibilities (the hope is/was that I would eventually paint or draw my photographs) was appealing to me.
Facebook was my introduction to online communities, mostly through my own teenagers’ facebook pages. But while a large volume of photos can be posted there it also can be risky unless a discriminating eye is used when posting.
I think everyone should consider having their own blog. I'm reminded of what Lady Borton, a writer who has spent many years in Vietnam, once told me about the Vietnamese. She said that in Vietnam everyone would carry a book with them to write in. Writing wasn't only reserved for greatness but was a daily practice and an intricate part of the culture. It was the act itself that was important, not just public approval of a finished work. I've always treasured this bit of wisdom and think it applies to any creative endeavor, such as drawing or making music. Blogging has made this daily writing easy and we don't have to wait for a book contract to be published, which in the past has probably inhibited a lot of folks from putting their thoughts down on paper.
So I will continue with my photos, but with thoughts and perspectives and no lewd photos attached.