My fondness for shadows in images comes in part from their generally evocative quality and from knowing that the sun is shining brightly or they wouldn't be there.
Again, from my mom in law (like a mom to me). The shaker's use is obvious and on the other end of the healthy habit spectrum I use the tea cup to hold the day's vitamins.
Now that stainless steel is all the rage I have even more appreciation for the vintage aluminum containers in our kitchen. Inherited from my mother-in-law, we use the cake pan to store bread and the canister for coffee grounds (not sure what that was for originally). The aluminum adds a retro metallic note to the kitchen but isn't as shiny and harsh as stainless: it's stainless steel's more modest cousin. And it reminds me of the ice-cold aluminum tumblers my Southern Ohio grandmother used to serve lemonade in during our summer vacation visits.
Did you know that fire hydrants come in different colors? And that when there's a big snowfall the fire department goes around shovelling around the hydrants?
Our neighbors' Madonnas, who look like they're contemplating the recent snowfall in their ancient roman attire. For more lovely outfits of a contemporary nature and on our first lady, have a look here.
The sky casts a blue tone over everything. The first shot of the Boston skyline was taken from the subway train Friday evening. The second at Fresh Pond when the snow had only just begun coming down on Sunday.